Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Secret to Water

The Miracle of water is an amazing book by Masaru Emoto, and I think that there are some connections to the movie and book The Secret. The book about the water states a theory about how water is affected by what you write, say, or do to the water. Masaru has taken water from different places and looked at the water crystals after they have been frozen. The results show that they are all different, but the crazy thing is the connection of where they come and how they look. For example, has a picture of a water crystal from the Fujiwara dam in Japan before a payer was said to the water. The crystal looks brown, unclear, and ugly, and then you compare it to the crystal with a payer said to it. The payer crystal is now beautiful, clear, and crisp. There obviously has been a drastic change in the composition of the water. Just with the payer the water has transformed into a completely different thing. That is where the Secret comes in; the law of attraction comes into play and changes the way that the water looks. These findings are important because The Secret and The Miracle of Water support each other in the facts that they show. First, there is the “ugly” water and the way that water is affected by negative thoughts or actions. Following that is the negativity of The Secret and how the laws of attraction work to aid in the negativity. In addition to the negativity is the positive effect of thoughts agents the theory of Masaru. Furthermore, positivity is what the law of attraction feeds off and how it grows. Finally the support that The Secret gives the miracle of water is important.
Have you ever yelled at someone? You have to see the reaction on their face. They usually make a face that is not regular, that is the same conclusion that Masaru Emoto came to with the water that he tested. Masaru Emoto states clearly that, “This principle is what I think makes swearing and slang words destructive.” Negative thoughts make negative energy and that feeds into the water and would cause it to distort or change the crystal shape. When you would label a glass of water with a “bad” word the water would end up looking odd. It is different structure of the water when a dissimilar word is used that is considered unusual you get distinctive results. The way that the water is affected is in a negative way and there for it will look ugly. In addition there is a picture of water that has been played heavy metal and it is very distorted. As you sherly know, the guitars in that genre of music are played with a distorted sound. The connection is negativity leads to unwanted results or similar words with the similar outcome.
The Secret also has a theme that corallites unconstructive thought with disapproving results. The Secret calls it the Law of Attraction. An easy way that I like to describe it as is, you get what you think of. The Secret readings have a quote by Buddha that said, “All that we are is a result of what we have thought.” Let’s say that you stub your toe in the morning and it really hurts and aches. Then you sarcastically say, “Wow! What a great way to start the morning.”You would just attract the negative your day would most likely go down a hill. Initially, you tend to focus on the anti-positive thoughts that come to ones brain. The negative thoughts are what is being attracted and the universe is going to give you what you are asking for.
On the other end of the stick is the positive thoughts and what happens due to its affects. In the case of Masaru, constructive thoughts and actions had optimistic outcomes. To begin Masaru has said, “The water reflects the composite energy of what is being sent to it.” At the same time that the water getting the upbeat information starts to change and transform. There was an amount of water that was labeled with the words thank you; later it was frozen and the water crystal looked very geometric and symmetrical. It was the complete opposite of what had happened with the negative thoughts. The way that the water is affected is spectacular, all of the words that are positive brought along positive consequences, just like the Law of Attraction.
Positivity, gratefulness, and an upbeat attitude are the things that fuel the Law of Attraction. The law works by attracting anything that you think about and things that you visualize. Dr. John Demartini, from the readings said, “Whatever we think about is what we bring about.” The thoughts that we have are the fuel for our lives. Using the positive visualization is the best way to get the ball rolling. Positive visualization is anything that you want; you just have to visualize it and believe that it will happen because it will. In addition, thoughts that are not negative will bring along prosperous events. To put it simple, good thoughts will give you a positive outlook on life and then, and only then will one get what one wants.
The correlation between the two is simple. The water is affected by thoughts and actions, and so is the secret. First of all, the thoughts and actions are what will make things happen, whether they are horrendous or amazing. Thinking positively or negatively will make the same sorts of circumstances to come about. The water was given happy and optimistic words and thoughts and the end result was ice that appeared beautiful and majestic. The water is changed by using the law of attraction aka the secret. The up and up attitude that was given to the water is what made it turn out how it did. Besides, what else, but our mind, could do such things as the thoughts that come out of our minds, not only do they have the power to change the way that a water crystal looks, but also have the power to dictates how we live and what we will become. We can just look at all that the human race has done and see that our thoughts are what we are. The way we act, the people that we know and so much other things are the outcome of our thoughts and actions. There is no way around this because we are always thinking and even if we don’t realize it the world is forming around what we think. It doesn’t matter if it is positive of negative the outcome will be the same. I have said, “Positive thoughts will make you get positive results and your mind is the ultimate tool that we posses
The importance of all of this is to see that we have the power to shape our lives to how we what we are. The way to do it is with our thoughts and actions. Masaru Emoto knows that negativity brings along with it negative outcomes. He also knows that using your positive actions you get results that are similar to your thoughts. All the people that are in The Secret know that pessimistic thoughts will bring about negative outcomes. In addition, they know that thinking positively will lead to the things that are desired. I think that the law of attraction is the way that things happen. The more that I think about it, the more circumstances that I can connect with the theory working for me. Thinking about good things will get what is desired. I have seen the Law of Attraction working and have also seen it work for others. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to learn about all of the great ideas and I am using them of my benefit. My life has improved thanks to all the new facts that I have learned. Now that I know this, I will continue to use it to my advantage.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen a huge improvement in your maturity and techniques that you have used when you write. I would also like to tell you that I was interested in your paper, but it didn’t meet all the requirements, the biggest one being citing your theory and allowing the research to support you. Doing this at the college level will kick your butt; that is: not following the directions of the assignment. If you were to have added this to your paper the grade would have been better. Have you improved: YES! Have you cited sources better than you have before :YES! Keep up the good work.
    Overall Grade:250/300
    Bibliography 0/30
