Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Failure is just an idea ingrained into the brain at a young age. There are two ways to look at failure; it can be a setback or it can be a stepping stone to greatness. The way that we usually think is that failure is a bad thing and also that it is not constructive. In addition, most of the world sees failure as a form of losing. On the other hand, there are a percentage of people that go against the grain and see failure as the first wrung on the latter to success. Most of the people that are thinking that way are the same people that are creating their own path or are successful. Critically thinking about the success and the failures that have passed are ways that can be used to see how focusing on failure is affecting the way that we live.
Failure is the main reason that our society is where it is. All the technology that is available to us now you could thank to failure. Take the Wright brothers for example, the first few prototypes that they built were not working planes and that didn’t stop them from succeeding and getting that first flight down. ( nasm.si.edu) They knew that the only way to improve is by learning from your mistakes and evolving your ideas from what you learn. Then you will be able to see how your improvement has helped. Think about when you were younger and you touched the hot stove top. Your finger turned red and blistered up right? Then you went on to complain how much it was hurting. Now think, did you ever touch it purposefully again? No, is what most would say that they learned that the hot stove was not for touching. That is showing that the failure that you just experienced was turned into a positive thought by now knowing that you will get hurt if you touch that hot stove. In addition to learning that the stove was hot and could harm you, you also found out how to improve yourself so it didn’t happen anymore. Many people would say that the way that they live is by trying out things to the best of their ability and then it they were to fail they learn what they did wrong. Next they would study, practice, or re-enact the scenario that they were in. Finally, they would start what ever they wanted to do over again. Failure does not have to be a bad thing as people see it. Its kind of like the saying “the glass is half empty or half full?” Why would you want a glass that is half full?
Pessimistic or optimistic views are the types of thoughts that are used when analyzing failure. You could see it as ideas that will help you, but on the other hand it could be seen as bad thing also. There is so many ways that the thoughts of failure can be turned into success. As a matter of fact, I am currently dealing with the setbacks. I have a problem with my car as we speak. What is troubling me is starting the car. There was a day that it started in the morning and when I was getting ready to out for lunch it would not start. I did not let that stop me from going to lunch; I just pop started it and was on my way. That was a failure that I overcame and now I still am trying to find out what is causing the car not to start. Initially I thought it was a problem with the starter, so I took it out and had it checked. Then, I had found out that that was not it, so I didn’t let that stop me form reaching my goal of getting my car to start. I thought of it as just a bump in the road. Now that I was over that bump, I have encountered more and all those little setbacks have let me narrow down the options so that I could reach my goal. I have not let all the little failures put me down. Failure is a stepping stone to success or it could be a slide down to depression.
Taking the failure in a bad way also is a common practice. There are numerous people that I have seen and that I know that take failure the wrong way. As a result of them seeing failure, they usually fell bad about what ever had happened. Initially that first failure sets one back only a little bit. Then as more things begin to happen the doubt that you will succeed gets larger and more pronounced. It’s kind of like a bad rash, the more that you scratch it the worse that it ends up being. Along with the looming failure over you, you also have the people that doubt you because you don’t believe that you will reach you goal. The end result is failure all around. Take for example, one of my good friends, he has trouble with failure. If he is performing a task and does not get it right he ends up getting really mad. That is not getting him anywhere. I have told him before that he needs to use that little set back as a way to improve himself. There has been time that he has improved but he is not seeing that he does it. One time we were riding our bikes at the skate park in Winsor, keep in mind it had been a while since the last time that we had rode, and there were these really young kids there. They were easily three or four years younger than us and they were all better than us. He said that he didn’t want to ride anymore. I told him not to let that stop him from having fun. We ended up staying there only for about only fifteen more minutes and then we left. That to me was a big failure, first of all we drove out there and just stayed for about half an hour, that was pretty much a waste of gas. Initially we were going to stay there for a few hours and have some fun, but because Jeff could not handle failing we left earlier and were in a bad mood. Most of the times it seems like the more you fail, the more that you don’t want to keep going or doing whatever it is that you are trying. Focusing on the negativity only brings more unwanted outcomes. There for if you keep thinking that you will not succeed you most likely won’t. Take my truck for instance; it broke down on me a along time ago. It left me stranded out in the middle of nowhere. I was mad to say the least. I ended up having to brow a truck and trailer form someone and towing it home. It sat outside my house for about two weeks broken till I had gotten the parts to fix it. The day came that I had all the parts together to put it back in one piece, so I did. Finally when I went to fire it up, something else messed up and it would not start. This time the flywheel ring gear was ground down and the starter would not catch it and turn the engine over. I was done with it and just left it broken in the front of my house. It has been sitting there for months now rusting, decaying, and with a flat tire. Since I failed to get it started so many times it just got me frustrated and angry and because of that it is how it is. Something like that is what shows that failure can turn into a negative ending. It is the single thing that keeps us from doing a lot of things.
The human race as a hole focuses on negativity as a whole. Weather it is as big as a thing like war, or as me not being able to fix something. Failure can lead to not completing a task or letting yourself or others down. As the times get easier I think that people are more prone to letting failure put them down. Back when times were a little harder I believe that people did not let there failure stop them because of the fact that there was not as much help. Now I think that some people just let the setbacks stop them. Lets say that if someone loses there job, they could just say that unemployment will give them money. Thing like that are what makes it easier to accept failure. On the other hand, there are the people that use their roadblocks and set backs as a way to improve on whatever it is that is keeping them back. That is when you find out that failures are a thing that can be used as the beginning of the road to success. So now that my views are clear, I hope that failure will not let you define the person that you are or want to become.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Secret to Water

The Miracle of water is an amazing book by Masaru Emoto, and I think that there are some connections to the movie and book The Secret. The book about the water states a theory about how water is affected by what you write, say, or do to the water. Masaru has taken water from different places and looked at the water crystals after they have been frozen. The results show that they are all different, but the crazy thing is the connection of where they come and how they look. For example, life-enthusiast.com has a picture of a water crystal from the Fujiwara dam in Japan before a payer was said to the water. The crystal looks brown, unclear, and ugly, and then you compare it to the crystal with a payer said to it. The payer crystal is now beautiful, clear, and crisp. There obviously has been a drastic change in the composition of the water. Just with the payer the water has transformed into a completely different thing. That is where the Secret comes in; the law of attraction comes into play and changes the way that the water looks. These findings are important because The Secret and The Miracle of Water support each other in the facts that they show. First, there is the “ugly” water and the way that water is affected by negative thoughts or actions. Following that is the negativity of The Secret and how the laws of attraction work to aid in the negativity. In addition to the negativity is the positive effect of thoughts agents the theory of Masaru. Furthermore, positivity is what the law of attraction feeds off and how it grows. Finally the support that The Secret gives the miracle of water is important.
Have you ever yelled at someone? You have to see the reaction on their face. They usually make a face that is not regular, that is the same conclusion that Masaru Emoto came to with the water that he tested. Masaru Emoto states clearly that, “This principle is what I think makes swearing and slang words destructive.” Negative thoughts make negative energy and that feeds into the water and would cause it to distort or change the crystal shape. When you would label a glass of water with a “bad” word the water would end up looking odd. It is different structure of the water when a dissimilar word is used that is considered unusual you get distinctive results. The way that the water is affected is in a negative way and there for it will look ugly. In addition there is a picture of water that has been played heavy metal and it is very distorted. As you sherly know, the guitars in that genre of music are played with a distorted sound. The connection is negativity leads to unwanted results or similar words with the similar outcome.
The Secret also has a theme that corallites unconstructive thought with disapproving results. The Secret calls it the Law of Attraction. An easy way that I like to describe it as is, you get what you think of. The Secret readings have a quote by Buddha that said, “All that we are is a result of what we have thought.” Let’s say that you stub your toe in the morning and it really hurts and aches. Then you sarcastically say, “Wow! What a great way to start the morning.”You would just attract the negative your day would most likely go down a hill. Initially, you tend to focus on the anti-positive thoughts that come to ones brain. The negative thoughts are what is being attracted and the universe is going to give you what you are asking for.
On the other end of the stick is the positive thoughts and what happens due to its affects. In the case of Masaru, constructive thoughts and actions had optimistic outcomes. To begin Masaru has said, “The water reflects the composite energy of what is being sent to it.” At the same time that the water getting the upbeat information starts to change and transform. There was an amount of water that was labeled with the words thank you; later it was frozen and the water crystal looked very geometric and symmetrical. It was the complete opposite of what had happened with the negative thoughts. The way that the water is affected is spectacular, all of the words that are positive brought along positive consequences, just like the Law of Attraction.
Positivity, gratefulness, and an upbeat attitude are the things that fuel the Law of Attraction. The law works by attracting anything that you think about and things that you visualize. Dr. John Demartini, from the readings said, “Whatever we think about is what we bring about.” The thoughts that we have are the fuel for our lives. Using the positive visualization is the best way to get the ball rolling. Positive visualization is anything that you want; you just have to visualize it and believe that it will happen because it will. In addition, thoughts that are not negative will bring along prosperous events. To put it simple, good thoughts will give you a positive outlook on life and then, and only then will one get what one wants.
The correlation between the two is simple. The water is affected by thoughts and actions, and so is the secret. First of all, the thoughts and actions are what will make things happen, whether they are horrendous or amazing. Thinking positively or negatively will make the same sorts of circumstances to come about. The water was given happy and optimistic words and thoughts and the end result was ice that appeared beautiful and majestic. The water is changed by using the law of attraction aka the secret. The up and up attitude that was given to the water is what made it turn out how it did. Besides, what else, but our mind, could do such things as the thoughts that come out of our minds, not only do they have the power to change the way that a water crystal looks, but also have the power to dictates how we live and what we will become. We can just look at all that the human race has done and see that our thoughts are what we are. The way we act, the people that we know and so much other things are the outcome of our thoughts and actions. There is no way around this because we are always thinking and even if we don’t realize it the world is forming around what we think. It doesn’t matter if it is positive of negative the outcome will be the same. I have said, “Positive thoughts will make you get positive results and your mind is the ultimate tool that we posses
The importance of all of this is to see that we have the power to shape our lives to how we what we are. The way to do it is with our thoughts and actions. Masaru Emoto knows that negativity brings along with it negative outcomes. He also knows that using your positive actions you get results that are similar to your thoughts. All the people that are in The Secret know that pessimistic thoughts will bring about negative outcomes. In addition, they know that thinking positively will lead to the things that are desired. I think that the law of attraction is the way that things happen. The more that I think about it, the more circumstances that I can connect with the theory working for me. Thinking about good things will get what is desired. I have seen the Law of Attraction working and have also seen it work for others. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to learn about all of the great ideas and I am using them of my benefit. My life has improved thanks to all the new facts that I have learned. Now that I know this, I will continue to use it to my advantage.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The lights flash! Three yellow, and then a green, all lights separated by five tenths of a second. That felling that pushes a racer into their seat and makes it hard to lift their head. Next they are on their way down the drag strip and feeling the best thing in the world. Later they let their car slow down from the effects of what just happened, and pull to the little building after you turn off the strip and pick up a slip that shows their accomplishments. In the end the racer looks down at the pale slip of paper and sees what all the hard work has been for, speed. The word speed evokes many feelings and thoughts. There is no other thing like it in the world.
Speed. Saying the word is even fast and simple. One syllable, five letters, and all speed. When the word is said it usually comes out quickly and there is no pause or lag. Every time that someone says speed they are quick and then usually start to talk about things that are fast. The word speed comes to mind very easily when someone starts to talk about objects that go quick. Also there is always the possibility that there is something that is slow and one wants to make them fast. One word like that can be used to describe many objects. Cars, people, technology, and actions all look to have speed in their history or future.
Dictionary .com defines speed as move fast: rush. Speed implies moving fast or doing something quickly. Dictionary.com also defines efficient as performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time, the way that it is defined is just what the word speed also means. There is no way you can have efficiency with out speed. Getting things done and with out waste is important to society and is one of the core values. To go, move, or proceed quickly, is how thefreedictionary.com defines speed as a verb. Advancing, moving on, and going forth are tasks that we are looking for in a new society. The more hastily that things are done or the rapid way that new technology is discovered is a never ending search. Everything is getting faster and there will never be a stop because in this new age time equals money, and no one wants to lose money. There for technology is getting swifter every few months, if there is someone that doesn’t have the new speed they are lacking something that is valued in the community.
A good way to feel the word speed is to visit a mail distribution center. As soon as you walk in you can tell that speed is a big emphasis on how things are done. Everything is going fast and flying past you in a blur. You can clearly see speed as the white streaks that are letters zoom by like fighter jets doing an air show. The people that work there are rapid with there hands and sort the mail with such sharp and swift precision. An even better way is by being in or driving a high speed car. By driving a speedy vehicle you can experience speed in a way like no other. Just by looking at a car it is easy to tell its fast by the way it looks, the lines that the engineers have put into the body of the car, or it could be the sound of a car as it flies by you on the street. What comes to mind when a loud, flashy, and sleek car flies by on the interstate? Speed. Hence, when you get in the car and start to feel it accelerate, and the torque push you into the seat you get the felling that makes someone tingle. Everything just mentioned adds up to the felling of speed. The best way to see speed is the way that it has changed the place that we live in. Take a look back in time and see how slow everything used to be. Initially you had a fast horse, a fast mind, or could run quickly, but now everything is fast and getting quicker. Back in the older days things were way slower and now everything has to be fast. For example look at all our technology; it just keeps getting faster and faster. All the old, slow, technology is not getting used and will be discarded because of the fact that it is sluggish compared to the new fixation that has just been released. Another example of how speed has changed the world is by people living in a fast pace or sped up lifestyle.
How about when you’re driving and there is one guy that is not doing the speed limit, what happens? You get mad or people start to complain that he is going slow and not speeding up. Because of that there is a source for conflict. Just because someone is a bit slower, they get ridiculed and looked down upon. Take for example one of my good friends, Jeff H., when he got his first car we joked and poked fun at him because his car was not as fast as the ones that we had. He wanted his car to be quicker; he wanted that felling of speed. Then he got a new car that was really fast and he was beating all of the cars that we had. It was now his turn to scoff at us because of our lack of speed.
The old fable the tortoise and the hare shows that the race is not always won by the speediest, but in etymology speed is directly connected to success. Dictionary.com tells us that The Old English word spēd, from which our word speed is descended, originally meant "prosperity, successful outcome, ability, or quickness." A corresponding verb, spēdan, in Modern English the verb speed, meant "to succeed, prosper, or achieve a goal"; and an adjective, spēdig, the ancestor of our word speedy, meant "wealthy, powerful." Except for archaic uses the words today relate only to the general sense of "velocity."
Speed is always going to be ingrained into my life. Initially it was about riding a bike as fast as I could around the block and trying to beat all my friends. Then as I got older and had the opportunity to buy a vehicle I was thinking about speed. It was in my mind as I looked for a car, I was looking for something that I knew that would go fast, so I ended up getting my Mustang. After a little while it was not fast enough for my taste so I was looking for more speed, so I started to add parts that would make it go quicker. Now every time that I drive my car I have the chance to feel that grate felling that is speed. So now that this has been read, go hop in a race car, find a big hill and ride a bike down it, or ride a fast rollercoaster so that you too can feel the intenseness of the word speed.

Friday, February 26, 2010


"Define: speed - Search." Google. Web. 22 Feb. 2010. .
Definition of speed,frighten,disappear,expert,surrender,day,dog,wide,version,flow." Pimsleur language courses. Web. 19 Feb. 2010. .
"Speed Define Speed at Dictionary.com." Dictionary.com Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Dictionary.com. Web. 19 Feb. 2010. >.
"Speed - definition of speed by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia." Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary. Web. 19 Feb. 2010. .
"Speed - definition of speed." Physics. Web. 19 Feb. 2010. .
"Speed (drug) - definition of Speed (drug) in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online , Thesaurus and Encyclopedia." Medical Dictionary. Web. 19 Feb. 2010. .


The lights flash, three yellow and then a green all separated by five tenths of a second. As soon as the last yellow light flashes you want to launch because five tenths of a second seconds is the time that it takes your brain to react to change and process the information. You end up leaving when the green light turns on and not leaving to late. You feel that felling that pushes you into your seat and makes it hard to lift your head. Next you are on your way down the drag strip and feeling the best thing in the world. Later you let your car slow down from the effects of what just happened, and pull to the little building after you turn off the strip and pick up a slip that shows your accomplishments. In the end you look down at the pale slip of paper and see what all your hard work has been for, speed. The word speed evokes many feelings and thoughts. There is no other thing like it.
Speed. Saying the word is even fast and simple. One syllable, five letters, and all speed. When the word is said it usually comes out quickly and there is no pause or lag. One word like that can be used to describe many things. Cars, people, technology, and actions all look to have the speed in their history or future.
Dictionary .com defines speed as move fast: rush. Speed implies moving fast or doing something quickly. Dictionary.com also defines efficient as performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time, the way that it is defined is just what the word speed also means. There is no way you can have efficiency with out speed. Getting things done and with out waste is important to society and is one of the core values. To go, move, or proceed quickly, is how thefreedictionary.com defines speed as a verb.
A good way to feel the word speed is to visit a mail distribution center. As soon as you walk in you can tell that speed is a big emphasis on how things are done. Everything is going fast and flying past you in a blur. You can clearly see speed as the white streaks that are letters zoom by like fighter jets doing an air show. An even better way is by being in or driving a fast car. By driving a fast vehicle you can experience speed in a way like no other. You can look at a car and just tell its fast by the way it looks, the lines that the engineers have put into the body of the car, or it could be the sound of a car as it flies by you on the street. When you get in the car and start to feel it accelerate, and the torque push you into the seat. It all adds up to the felling of speed. The best way to see speed is the way that it has changed the place that we live in. take a look back in time and see how slow everything used to be, maybe you had a fast horse, a fast mind, or could run quickly. Back in the older day things were way slower and now everything has to be fast. For example look at all our technology; it just keeps getting faster and faster. People are living in a fast pace or sped up lifestyle. How about when you’re driving and there is one guy that is not doing the speed limit; what happens? You get mad or people start to complain that he is going slow and not speeding up.
The old fable the tortoise and the hare shows that the race is not always won by the speediest, but in etymology speed is directly connected to success. Dictionary.com tells us that The Old English word spēd, from which our word speed is descended, originally meant "prosperity, successful outcome, ability, or quickness." A corresponding verb, spēdan, in Modern English the verb speed, meant "to succeed, prosper, or achieve a goal"; and an adjective, spēdig, the ancestor of our word speedy, meant "wealthy, powerful." Except for archaic uses the words today relate only to the general sense of "velocity."
Speed is always going to be ingrained into my life. Initially it was about riding a bike as fast as I could around the block and trying to beat all my friends. Then as I got older and had the opportunity to buy a vehicle I was thinking about speed. It was in my mind as I looked for a car, I was looking for something that I knew that would go fast, so I ended up getting my Mustang. After a little while it was not fast enough for my taste so I was looking for more speed, so I started to add parts that would make it go quicker. Now every time that I drive my car I have the chance to feel that grate felling that is speed. So now that you have read this, go hop in a race car, find a big hill and ride a bike down it, or ride a fast rollercoaster so that you too can feel the intenseness of the word speed.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I pull up to the water-box and sit in complete silence as I concentrate and focus on what is about to happen. I look to the stands to see the support full look from my mom, dad, and sister, Iris Chavez, who had also graduated from Roosevelt High School. I get the call to pull up to the staging tree, do a quick burn out to clean off my tires, and the smell of burnt rubber becomes my new air-freshener. Then I pull up to the stage lights and see who I’m racing, it happens be a young kid in one of parent’s Camero SS. The car was really nice and I knew that it was fast, because I could hear the lope from the upgraded cam shaft in the motor. I don’t mind racing people using there parents cars, but I know that I have worked on my own car. A person who is a real car guy has a number of distinctive qualities. I have them all: my hands are always dirty, I don’t think that I have a clean pair of jeans, and I think that some people think that my cologne is high octane gas.
Ever since I can remember my dad has fixed his own vehicles; so, whenever I could, I would help him on his projects. He had showed me that you did not have to take your car into a shop if you could do the work yourself.
I have done all the work to my car and am proud of it to. That is why I want to pursue my career as an automotive technician. I plan on taking the Ford FACT program and also taking a class to achieve most of the ASE certifications. UTI (Universal Technical Institute) will help me reach my goals. The campus that I am attending is out in southern California and is one of the major technical schools in the country. When I graduate with my degree I am looking forward to getting employed with a major Ford dealership or having a job with a performance shop. The way that I will meet my goals is by completing my schooling and working hard to gain more knowledge about vehicles.
Since I know that I will be going to Universal Technical Institute in Rancho Cucamonga, California I know that it will cost about $36,000 for my technician certification. My parents have always been hard workers, and they have given me what I have and I am grateful and I appreciate that, but times are tough and they can’t afford to put me through school. That’s why I am looking for some funding to supercharge my life and finish that important race to finish college. Finishing college would be just like finishing my race. The adrenalin rush you get when you’re running your car to the limit at the end of the track. The sound of the engine winding down as you let off the gas to turn and pick up your time slip. Then the feeling of accomplishment as you reach with your trembling hand out the window and pick up your time slip; when you see how much you have improved your time. That’s the same feeling that I want to experience in a few years after I finish college and look back at my life.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

alumni paper

Ever since I can remember my dad has fixed his own vehicles; so, whenever I could, I would help him on his projects. He had showed me that you did not have to take your car into a shop if you could do the work yourself. I remember the first day that he showed me how to change the oil in his car. I took off the drain plug and got oil everywhere, so he corrected me and showed me the proper way to do things. When my dad showed me how to fix my own car it inspired me to learn more about them. My dad always told me, “It is good to do your own work.” Now I realized what he meant when he said that. I have done all the work to my car and am proud of it to. That is why I want to pursue my career as an automotive technician. I plan on taking the Ford FACT program and also taking a class to achieve most of the ASE certifications. The School that will help me reach my goals is UTI (Universal Technical Institute). The campus that I am attending is out in southern California and is one of the major tech schools in the country. When I get out of school I am looking forward to getting employed with a major Ford dealership or having a job with a performance shop. The way that I will meet my goals is by completing my schooling and working hard to gain more knowledge about vehicles.
Since I know that I will be going to Universal Technical Institute in Rancho Cucamonga, California I know that it will cost about $36,000 for my technician certification and all my schooling. My parents have always been hard workers, and they have given me what I have and I am grateful and I appreciate that, but times are tough and they can’t afford to put me through school. That’s why I am looking for some funding to supercharge my life and finish that important race to finish college. Finishing college would be just like finishing my race. The adrenalin rush you get when you’re running your car to the limit at the end of the track. The sound of the engine winding down as you let off the gas to turn and pick up your time slip. Then the feeling of accomplishment as you reach with your trembling hand out the window and pick up your time slip; when you see how much you have improved your time. That’s the same feeling that I want to experience in a few years after I finish college and look back at my life.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

college essay

I pull up to the water-box and sit in complete silence as I concatenate and focus on what is about to happen. I get the call to pull up to the staging tree, do a quick burn out to clean off my tires and the smell of burnt rubber becomes my new air-freshener. Then I pull up to the stage lights and see who I’m racing, it happens be a young kid in one of parent’s Camero SS. The car was really nice and I knew that it was fast because I could hear the lope from the upgraded cam shaft in the motor. I don’t mind racing people using there parents cars, but I knew he was faster. That didn’t bother me because I know that I have worked on my own car. A person who is a real car guy has a number of distinctive qualities. I have them all: my hands are always dirty; I don’t think that I have a clean pair of jeans, and I think that some people think that my cologne is high octane gas.
Ever since I can remember my dad has fixed his own vehicles; so whenever I could I would help him on his projects, he had showed me that you did not have to take your car into a shop if you could do the work yourself. I remember the first day that he showed me how to change the oil in his car. I took off the drain plug and got oil everywhere so; he corrected me and showed me the proper way to do things. When my dad showed me how to do some work it inspired me to learn more about them. My dad said it was good to do your own work. Now I realized what he meant when he said that. I also looked at others cars and that inspired me to be an automotive technician because I wanted my car to be nice like theirs. I have done all the work to my car and am proud of it to. Also I am proud that I have done all the work my self. He has been the biggest inspiration and push to pursuit my career as an automotive technician.
Since I worked on cars with my father as a young boy I have wanted to be an automotive technician. For example when my friends have a problem with one of their cars they come to me and ask me for advice or some help. For instance, my friend’s car was knocking really bad one day and he came to me for some help. I heard the knock and knew right away where it was coming from. I told him to open up the hood and the sound got louder and it just verified what I was thinking, it was a rocker arm that was making the noise. I had told him that is was most likely from lack of lubrication in the cylinder head. We checked his oil and it was really low, that was why it was knocking I told him. We topped it off and it stopped knocking. He was glad that I had saved his engine and some money. Now if something is going on with his car he comes to me for a first opinion.
Since I know that I will be going to Universal Technical Institute in Rancho Cucamonga, California I know that it will cost about 36,000 dollars for my technician certification and all my schooling. My parents have always been hard workers, and they have given me what I have and I am grateful and I appreciate that, but times are tough and they can’t afford to put me through school. That’s why I am looking for some funding to supercharge my life and finish that important race to finish college. Finishing college would be just like finishing my race. The adrenalin rush you get when you’re running your car to the limit at the end of the track. The sound of the engine winding down as you let off the gas to turn and pick up your time slip. Then the feeling of accomplishment as you reach with your trembling hand out the window and pick up your time slip; when you see how much you have improved your time. That’s the same feeling that I want to experience in a few years after I finish college and look back at my life.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

College Essay

I pull up to the water-box and sit in complete silence as I concatenate and focus on what is about to happen. I get the ok to pull up to the staging tree, do a quick burn out to clean off my tires as the smell of burnt rubber becomes my new air-freshener. Then I pull up to the stage lights and see who I’m racing, it happens be a young kid in one of parents Camero SS. I don’t mind racing people using there parents cars. I knew he was faster but it did not bother me because I know that I have worked on my own car. My hands are always dirty and I don’t think that I have a clean pair of jeans, and that is the making of a real car guy.
Ever since I can remember my dad has fixed his own vehicles. Whenever I could I would help him on his projects. He had showed me that you did not have to take your car into a shop if you could do the work yourself. I remember the first day that he showed me how to change the in his car. I took off the drain plug and got oil everywhere. He corrected me and showed me the proper way to do things.
Since I worked on cars with my father as a young boy I have wanted to be an automotive technician. Bing able to do things that others can’t is satisfying. Also working on others cars is helpful.
When my friends have a problem with one of their cars they come to me and ask me for advice or some help. For instance, my friend’s car was knocking really bad one day and he came to me for some help. I heard were the knock was coming from and figured out it was a rocker arm that was making the noise. I checked his oil and it was really low. We topped it off and it stopped knocking.

When my dad showed me how to do some work it inspired me to learn more about them. I looked at others cars and that also inspired me to be an automotive technician. My dad said it was good to do your own work. Now I realized what he meant when he said that. I have done all the work to my car and am proud of it to. I am also proud that I have done all the work my self. He has been the biggest inspiration and push to pursuit my career as an automotive technician.

My parents have always been hard workers. My dad has always showed me to value and use my money wisely. They have gave me what I have and I am grateful and I appreciate that, but times are tough and they can’t afford to put me through school. That’s why I am looking for some funding to supercharge my life and finish that important race to finish college.